Fair Use Policy

Last updated: 11/09/2024

This Fair Use Policy ("Policy") is designed to ensure that all users of Allotrac.io ("the Platform") can access and enjoy its services without disruption. By using Allotrac.io, you agree to this Policy and any updates that may be made from time to time.

01. Purpose

The purpose of this Policy is to protect Allotrac.io and its users from any unreasonable or excessive use of the Platform’s services, which could lead to issues such as degradation of performance, security vulnerabilities, or service outages.

02. Reasonable Use

The Platform is designed to accommodate typical usage patterns across various user levels. Reasonable use includes but is not limited to:

  • Accessing the Platform’s features within the defined usage limits outlined in your subscription or licensing agreement.
  • Using services such as AI tools, invoicing, emails, and telemetry in line with business requirements, while adhering to the agreed-upon licensing terms (vehicle licenses, tokens, etc.).
  • Abiding by rate limits on API usage and other system services as specified by your plan.

03. Unreasonable Use

Unreasonable or excessive use may include, but is not limited to:

  • Abusive usage patterns: Overloading the system with excessive requests or using automation to bypass rate limits.
  • Excessive API requests: Exceeding the allowable number of API requests within a short period, impacting service availability.
  • Uncontrolled automation: Use of bots, scrapers, or automated systems without proper authorization that may disrupt normal service operations.
  • Service overconsumption: Recurring exceedance of the allocated or purchased token limits without proper justification, adjustment or remediation.
  • Licensing avoidance: Exploiting known bugs, loopholes or duplicitous practices to avoid engaging in fair and proper licensing or token usage.

If your usage is determined to be unreasonable, Allotrac.io reserves the right to take corrective action, which may include limiting, suspending, or terminating access to the Platform's services.

04. Consequences of Unreasonable Use

Should your usage exceed the reasonable limits:

  • You may be issued a warning and asked to reduce your usage.
  • Allotrac.io reserves the right to implement usage restrictions, throttle API requests, or charge additional fees for overages.
  • In cases of repeated or severe violations, your account may be suspended or terminated.

05. Monitoring and Enforcement

Allotrac.io monitors service usage to ensure compliance with this Policy. Our monitoring includes tracking the number of requests, system load, token consumption, and any activities that may be flagged as excessive or abusive. Actions taken due to violations of this Policy will be communicated to you, along with instructions on how to address any issues.

06. Exceptions

Certain high-use cases may be permitted if agreed upon in writing with Allotrac.io. You may contact our support team to discuss any anticipated high-volume usage.

07. Updates to this Policy

Allotrac.io reserves the right to update this Fair Use Policy at any time. Any significant changes will be communicated to you in advance.