Bulk Haulage

Effectively manage the supply and demand of your aggregate customers. Allotrac allows drivers to capture weighbridge dockets and receive digital sign off on proof-of-deliveries. Dispatchers are able to release multiple loads against a project and allocate to different vehicles with ease.

Reduced Admin

Optimise Fleet Usage

Streamline Accounting

Maintain Compliance

Drag & Drop Allocation

An intuitive drag and drop allocation screen

Customise your views and filters to make allocation easier

Proof Of Delivery/Proof Of Pickup/Proof of Docket

Capture photos & signatures

View historical records of POD/POP

Allow customers to view their own proof of delivery

Live Vehicle Tracking

Complete visibility of your fleet, team & assets

Real-time GPS tracking of vehicles

Setup geofence alerts per vehicle

Job Management

View all job information in one place

View audit trail on job history

Quickly create jobs by using pre-filled information

What do our customers say?

"Allotrac has brought a significant level of consistency across our business."
Michael Mills, General Manager of Supply Chain
"We are doing 3-4 times more work than we use to be able to do with the same number of staff".
Mitchell Schembri, Operations Manager
"We use Allotrac for its safety and compliance features, as well as the management of our business and drivers."
Jason Roberts, Managing Director
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